smoke_forcing.utils package


smoke_forcing.utils.conf_tools module

exception smoke_forcing.utils.conf_tools.InvalidConfigException[source]

Bases: Exception


Wrapper function that checks whether the config parameter passed to the function wrapped is:

  1. A dict

2) str or Path. In this case, it will check if the path is a directory, and if it exists. If the config can be opened, it is loaded into a dict, and fed to the function wrapped in place of the str or Path

1) The function wrapped must have config as a positional argument. The position of the parameter itself is of no consequence.

Parameters:func – python function to be wrapped
Returns:whatever the wrapped function returns module

smoke_forcing.utils.ftp module

smoke_forcing.utils.url_downloader module

smoke_forcing.utils.url_parse module

smoke_forcing.utils.url_parse.filter_by_ext(url_list, ext)[source]

Filter list by extension

url_list (list of str) ext (str): File extension to filter by
[type]: [description]
smoke_forcing.utils.url_parse.get_auth(username, password)[source]
smoke_forcing.utils.url_parse.get_url_list(base_url, soup, container='a')[source]

Get all urls from webpage in container type container

base_url (str) soup (BeautifulSoup): parsed webpage container (str, optional): What HTML container to look for hrefs in. Defaults to “a”.
[type]: [description]
smoke_forcing.utils.url_parse.parse_protected_html(url, username, password)[source]

Parse password protected site

url (str): url for secure site username (str) password (str)
BeautifulSoup: parsed HTML

Module contents